Alfred Hitchcock's Lifeboat: The Theater of War 18 years old

'Making of' featurette about director Alfred Hitchcock masterpiece classic Lifeboat (1944). Narrated by the director's daughter and granddaughter, a Hitchcock scholar and a John Steinbeck specialist.


Alfred Hitchcock's Lifeboat: The Theater of War Cast

Name Character
Drew Casper He was 52, now 71 years old as Himself (as Dr. Drew Casper)
Pat Hitchcock She was 77, now 96 years old as Herself, daughter of Alfred Hitchcock (as Pat Hitchcock O'Connell)

Alfred Hitchcock's Lifeboat: The Theater of War Crew

Name Department
Alfred Hitchcock's Lifeboat: The Theater of War poster
Alfred Hitchcock's Lifeboat: The Theater of War (18 years)

  • Release day: Tuesday, October 18, 2005
  • Runtime: 20 minutes