Alucardos: Portrait of a Vampire (Alucardos: Retrato de un Vampiro) 13 years old

Terror, transsexualism, and an eternal cult film. What is on the mind of horror film director Juan López Moctezuma and his fans, Manolo and Lalo, who are not only obsessed with the Mexican horror film 'Alucarda', but also believe in their hearts that they are its true characters? After finding the director in a psychiatric hospital, they kidnap him to make him remember his gloriously twisted past. An unclassifiable documentary film that uses interviews, stock shots and recreations of a past that may only have existed in the nightmares of its protagonists.


Alucardos: Portrait of a Vampire Cast

Name Character
Juan Carlos Colombo He was 60, now 73 years old
David Castillo He was 22, now 36 years old
Tina Romero She was 61, now 75 years old
Carlos Monsiváis He was 71, 71 years old when he died
Luis Romano He was 30, now 43 years old
Jorge Victoria
Alexis Arroyo

Alucardos: Portrait of a Vampire Crew

Name Department
Alucardos: Portrait of a Vampire poster
Alucardos: Portrait of a Vampire (13 years)

  • Release day: Thursday, April 14, 2011
  • Runtime: 88 minutes