Amateur Crook 86 years old

Amateur Crook

Jerry Cummings, a mining engineer, has pledged a large diamond on a short-term note to a pair of crooked loan sharks, Crone and Jan Jaffin, and heads for Mexico. His daughter Betsy, posing as a jewel thief called Mary Layton, is working to keep the crooks from absconding with the jewel, and her efforts are hindered greatly by an artist, Jimmy Baxter, who thinks she is a crook and Crone and Jaffin the good guys.


Amateur Crook Cast

Name Character
Fuzzy Knight He was 36, 74 years old when he died as Jape, the Gas-Station Attendant
Fern Emmett She was 41, 50 years old when she died as Sarah, Ephraim's Wife
Vivien Oakland She was 42, 63 years old when she died as Mrs. Flint, Landlady
Forrest Taylor He was 53, 81 years old when he died as Jerry Cummings
Joan Barclay She was 23, 88 years old when she died as Betsy Cummings, alias Mary Layton
Monte Blue He was 50, 76 years old when he died as Crone
Jimmy Aubrey He was 50, 95 years old when he died as Ben Armand, Junk Dealer
Bruce Bennett He was 31, 100 years old when he died as Jimmy Baxter
Samuel Adams He was 215, 236 years old when he died as Policeman
Henry Roquemore He was 51, 57 years old when he died as Judge Ephraim
Edward Earle He was 55, 90 years old when he died as Deputy Jonas
Charles Williams He was 51, 91 years old when he died as Drunk Witness
Jack Mulhall He was 50, 91 years old when he died as Jan Jaffin

Amateur Crook Crew

Name Department
Basil Dickey as Story. He was 57 (77) years old when He died Writing
Basil Dickey as Screenplay. He was 57 (77) years old when He died Writing
Sam Katzman as Director. He was 36 (72) years old when He died Directing
Sam Katzman as Producer. He was 36 (72) years old when He died Production
Holbrook N. Todd as Editor. He was 31 (66) years old when He died Editing
William Hyer as Director of Photography. He was 32 (84) years old when He died Camera
Amateur Crook poster
Amateur Crook (86 years)

  • Release day: Friday, December 10, 1937
  • Runtime: 59 minutes