American Meltdown 20 years old

Terrorists didn't have to build a nuclear weapon... we built it for them.

American Meltdown

The telefilm centers on a present-day nuclear plant disaster and its aftermath.


American Meltdown Cast

Name Character
Bruce Greenwood He was 47, now 67 years old as Agent Tom Shea
Leslie Hope She was 39, now 59 years old as Zoe Cox

American Meltdown Crew

Name Department
Jeremiah S. Chechik as Director. He was 49 (now 69) years old Directing
American Meltdown poster
American Meltdown (20 years)

Terrorists didn't have to build a nuclear weapon... we built it for them.

  • Release day: Sunday, June 06, 2004
  • Runtime: 120 minutes