An American Love (Un amore americano) 30 years old

Angelo Fossalto teaches literature at the University of Urbino and leads a quiet life. the man is about to leave for the United States to give a series of lectures, but he will meet a girl who will make him lose his head ...


An American Love Cast

Name Character
Brooke Shields She was 28, now 59 years old as Greta
Carlo Delle Piane He was 58, 83 years old when he died as Carlo
Richard Joseph Paul He was 37, now 67 years old as George
Graziella Polesinanti She was 50, now 81 years old as Adele

An American Love Crew

Name Department
Piero Schivazappa as Director. He was 58 (82) years old when He died Directing
An American Love poster
An American Love (30 years)

  • Release day: Saturday, February 19, 1994
  • Runtime: 176 minutes