Andy Kaufman Plays Carnegie Hall 44 years old

Andy Kaufman's legendary sold-out Carnegie Hall performance, featuring all of Kaufman's classic routines, including Foreign Man, Elvis, conga drums, plus Andy wrestling women and even taking on a real male wrestler! Also appearing is a menagerie of Kaufman's collection of human oddities, including the infamous Tony Clifton, The Love Family (a sub-Partridge Family singing group who do a bang-up version of "The Age of Aquarius" complete with synchronized dance movements), Grant Bowman the "Happy New Year Man" (straight from Times Square, where Andy found him), "cowgirl" Eleanor Cody Gould and an uncredited, surprise big name guest as Andy’s grandmother. Bob Zmuda appears as Andy's referee, and at the end of the show, Andy takes the entire audience out for milk and cookies.


Andy Kaufman Plays Carnegie Hall Cast

Name Character
Robin Williams He was 28, 63 years old when he died as (uncredited)
Bob Zmuda He was 30, now 74 years old as Himself / Referee
Andy Kaufman He was 31, 35 years old when he died as Himself/Tony Clifton

Andy Kaufman Plays Carnegie Hall Crew

Name Department
Bob Zmuda as Director. He was 30 (now 74) years old Directing
Bob Zmuda as Producer. He was 30 (now 74) years old Production
Charles Braverman as Producer. He was 36 (now 80) years old Production
Andy Kaufman Plays Carnegie Hall poster
Andy Kaufman Plays Carnegie Hall (44 years)

  • Release day: Thursday, June 12, 1980
  • Runtime: 77 minutes