Andy Warhol: Re-Reproduction (Andy Warhol: Fukufukusei) 50 years old

A kaleidoskopic image of Andy Warhol, presumably found footage from some interview, is slowed down and played over sudden pangs of screeching white noise. Warhol's own distorted, delayed, voice guides us through the gaseous hallucination.


Andy Warhol: Re-Reproduction Cast

Name Character
Andy Warhol He was 45, 58 years old when he died as Himself

Andy Warhol: Re-Reproduction Crew

Name Department
Toshio Matsumoto as Director. He was 41 (85) years old when He died Directing
Joji Yuasa as Music. He was 44 (now 95) years old Sound
Andy Warhol: Re-Reproduction (50 years)

  • Release day: Tuesday, January 01, 1974
  • Runtime: 23 minutes