Anne Clark: Live 15 years old

Anne Clark, British Poet and Grand lady of the Dark Wave, performed a massive concert at the Frankfurter Hof in Mainz, Germany. With strong beats, intelligent electronics, and Anne Clark's unmistakable poetry inspiring the public. Anne Clark and her band performed songs from their latest CD The Smallest Acts Of Kindness and the hits Sleeper in Metropolis, Our Darkness, Elegy for a lost summer. Anne Clark is presented as the immaculate artist she is and this visual documentation captures her intense stage presence. This is the first Live-DVD (recorded with 9 HD cameras - Full HD & Dolby Digital Surround EX 6.1) of Anne Clark.


Anne Clark: Live Cast

Name Character
Anne Clark She was 49, now 64 years old as herself

Anne Clark: Live Crew

Name Department
Anne Clark: Live (15 years)

  • Release day: Friday, August 14, 2009
  • Runtime: 116 minutes