Apocrypha: Music for Peter and Pavel (Апокриф: Музыка для Петра и Павла) 20 years old

The film is dedicated to the little-known period of life of the great Russian composer P.I. Tchaikovsky. He appears before us not as a canonical gray-haired genius, recognized and crowned with world fame, but as a young, insecure man who comes to visit his sister for several summer days. Relatives and friends, “little people”, give the great artist love, care and spiritual support, helping him to find himself, to overcome “torture by the sounding world”. For them, as well as for the authors of the film, Tchaikovsky is an angel thrown to the ground, reminiscent of the ultimate mission of man ...


Apocrypha: Music for Peter and Pavel Cast

Name Character
Aleksandr Feklistov He was 48, now 68 years old
Albert Filozov He was 67, 78 years old when he died
Aleksey Maklakov He was 43, now 63 years old
Natalya Pozdnyakova She was 48, now 68 years old
Aleksandr Oleshko He was 28, now 48 years old
Sergei Stepanchenko He was 44, now 65 years old
Alina Bulynko She was 6, now 27 years old

Apocrypha: Music for Peter and Pavel Crew

Name Department
Yuriy Arabov as Writer. He was 50 (now 69) years old Writing
Adel Al-Khadad as Director. Directing
Adel Al-Khadad as Producer. Production
Apocrypha: Music for Peter and Pavel (20 years)

  • Release day: Sunday, June 06, 2004
  • Runtime: 140 minutes