ARTEMIEV. The Interview (ARTEMIEV. Интервью) 7 years old

ARTEMIEV. The Interview

Most know Pavel Artemyev as "that curly guy from the group «Roots»". At the age of 19, he won the "Stars Factory-1" together with the boyz-band, traveled all over the country with concerts, won the love of countless fans. But when the 7-year contract was over, Artemiev engaged in what he always wanted - his own music, which he creates with his indie band ARTEMIEV. He is still recognized on the street, but much less often. Once upon a time, fame fell on Artemiev too easily and swiftly, now he is trying to earn it consciously. Answering the questions of radio presenter Alisa Grebenshchikova, schoolchildren, teachers and director Margarita Zakharova, Artemiev talks about his path - from the stars to the thorns, which are more valuable than the stars.


ARTEMIEV. The Interview Cast

Name Character
Alisa Grebenshchikova She was 38, now 46 years old as herself

ARTEMIEV. The Interview Crew

Name Department
ARTEMIEV. The Interview poster
ARTEMIEV. The Interview (7 years)

  • Release day: Thursday, May 25, 2017
  • Runtime: 33 minutes