Assassins: A Conversationpiece 33 years old

Stephen Sondheim and librettist John Weidman discuss their stage musical Assassins, and offer advice for future productions. Sondheim, seated at a piano, focuses on the arrangement of his score, singing excerpts from the show's songs as examples. Weidman focuses on his text and the meaning of individual sequences. Scenic designer Loren Sherman, who designed the set for the 1990 Off-Broadway production of the show at Playwrights Horizons, displays his model for the set and offers advice on dealing with the scenic design challenges presented by the show. Each man appears separately and addresses the camera directly, with no interviewer present.


Assassins: A Conversationpiece Cast

Name Character
Stephen Sondheim He was 61, 91 years old when he died as Self

Assassins: A Conversationpiece Crew

Name Department
Assassins: A Conversationpiece poster
Assassins: A Conversationpiece (33 years)

  • Release day: Saturday, June 01, 1991
  • Runtime: 65 minutes