Baby Girl Scott 37 years old

The story of the Scotts, a young couple whose first child is born dangerously early, weighing less than a pound and a half. As they endure the anguish and struggle to help keep their baby alive, they discover what real love, courage and triumph are in the face of tragedy.


Baby Girl Scott Cast

Name Character
John Lithgow He was 41, now 78 years old as Neil Scott
Ronny Cox He was 48, now 85 years old as Dr. Kenderly
Mary Beth Hurt She was 40, now 77 years old as Wendy Scott
Mimi Kennedy She was 38, now 75 years old as Jane
Linda Kelsey She was 40, now 77 years old as Jean Gelson
Deborah Harmon She was 35, now 73 years old as Terri
Julie Cobb She was 39, now 77 years old as Robin

Baby Girl Scott Crew

Name Department
Christopher Knopf as Writer. He was 59 (91) years old when He died Writing
Baby Girl Scott (37 years)

  • Release day: Thursday, January 01, 1987
  • Runtime: 100 minutes