Balloon Farm 25 years old

Balloon Farm

As soon as Harvey S. Potter descends upon a drought-stricken farmland, he begins to grow a mysterious but beautiful crop of balloons. Mystified by the new resident's abilities, the people of the town are mesmerized by Potter, who immediately becomes the best thing to happen to the dejected area in a long time. The happiness doesn't last long, however, when talk begins to surface about Potter's true identity.


Balloon Farm Cast

Name Character
Rip Torn He was 68, 88 years old when he died as Harvey Potter
Fredric Lehne He was 40, now 65 years old as Jake Johnson
Laurie Metcalf She was 43, now 69 years old as Casey Johnson
Mara Wilson She was 11, now 36 years old as Willow Johnson
Neal McDonough He was 33, now 58 years old as Sheriff
Richard Riehle He was 50, now 76 years old as Earl
Roberts Blossom He was 75, 87 years old when he died as Weasel Mayfield

Balloon Farm Crew

Name Department
Steven Karczynski as Writer. Writing
William Dear as Director. He was 55 (now 80) years old Directing
Jerdine Nolen as Author. She was 45 (now 71) years old Writing
Balloon Farm poster
Balloon Farm (25 years)

  • Release day: Sunday, March 28, 1999
  • Runtime: 92 minutes