Bellator NYC: Sonnen vs. Silva 7 years old

Madison Square Garden, "The World's Most Famous Arena" and Mecca of combat sports, will host Bellator's first-ever mixed martial arts event in the state of New York on Saturday, June 24 with Bellator NYC: Sonnen vs. Silva. The blockbuster pay-per-view features two of the sport's most recognizable names in Chael Sonnen (29-15-1) and Wanderlei Silva (35-12-1, 1 NC), who will finally meet in a light heavyweight fight that has been brewing since 2011. The double main event also features Fedor Emelianenko (36-4, 1 NC), an MMA legend many consider to be the greatest heavyweight fighter of all-time, taking on Matt Mitrione (11-5) in a bout which will undoubtedly produce fireworks between the heavy-handed strikers.


Bellator NYC: Sonnen vs. Silva Cast

Name Character
Chael Sonnen He was 40, now 47 years old
Matt Mitrione He was 38, now 45 years old
Wanderlei Silva He was 40, now 48 years old
Fedor Emelianenko He was 40, now 47 years old

Bellator NYC: Sonnen vs. Silva Crew

Name Department
Bellator NYC: Sonnen vs. Silva poster
Bellator NYC: Sonnen vs. Silva (7 years)

  • Release day: Saturday, June 24, 2017