White curse (Белое проклятье) 37 years old

White curse

The holiday season in the mountains is in full swing. The message of the head of the avalanche station that an avalanche could soon descend is not taken seriously: neither by vacationers, nor by the director of the camp site. Reckoning for recklessness comes very soon: an avalanche goes directly to the hotel. Only the experience and courage of rescuers helps to avoid great casualties.


White curse Cast

Name Character
Igor Dmitriev He was 60, 80 years old when he died
Lembit Ulfsak He was 40, 69 years old when he died
Aleksandra Yakovleva-Aasmyae She was 30, now 67 years old
Larisa Guzeeva She was 28, now 65 years old
Viktor Bychkov He was 32, now 70 years old
Gennadi Nilov He was 50, now 87 years old
Lyubov Malinovskaya She was 65, 87 years old when she died

White curse Crew

Name Department
White curse poster
White curse (37 years)

  • Release day: Tuesday, July 14, 1987
  • Runtime: 81 minutes