Big Shot: Confessions of a Campus Bookie 22 years old

Mother's good boy Benny Silman from Brooklyn becomes an economics student at Arizona State University for the sun and sexy girls- and the proximity of gambling paradise Las Vegas. Benny aces his studies, being a mathematical genius, but the one who earns money from him at sports is bookie Troy, who however recruits him as subcontractor, making a few thousand for himself. The next year Benny starts for himself, with a few dozen student vassals, and makes a hundredfold.


Big Shot: Confessions of a Campus Bookie Cast

Name Character
Jennifer Morrison She was 22, now 45 years old as Callie
David Krumholtz He was 23, now 46 years old as Benny Silman
Zachary Levi He was 21, now 43 years old as Adam
James Le Gros He was 39, now 62 years old as Troy
Theo Rossi He was 26, now 49 years old as The Mook
Frank John Hughes He was 34, now 56 years old as Brady
Tory Kittles He was 27, now 49 years old as Stevin 'Hedake' Smith
Nicholas Turturro He was 40, now 62 years old as Joe Jr.
Jeremy Luke He was 25, now 47 years old as Nick
Carmine Giovinazzo He was 28, now 50 years old as T-Bone
Alex Rocco He was 66, 79 years old when he died as Dominic
Colin Patrick Lynch He was 33, now 56 years old as Agent Vasquez
Andy Buckley He was 37, now 59 years old as FBI Agent Simms
Keith Loneker He was 30, 46 years old when he died as Big Red

Big Shot: Confessions of a Campus Bookie Crew

Name Department
Big Shot: Confessions of a Campus Bookie poster
Big Shot: Confessions of a Campus Bookie (22 years)

  • Release day: Sunday, March 31, 2002
  • Runtime: 88 minutes