Birds of a Father 63 years old

Birds of a Father

Sylvester Cat discovers that his son, Junior, has a new best friend - a bird named Spike. Aghast, Sylvester decides to teach his son the facts of feline life and goes with him on a bird hunt, which, as usual, isn't Sylvester's forte. He is hit with a badminton racket after he mistakenly shoots a badminton birdie and then is blown up when he sends a model plane after Spike and is himself shot at by the out-of-control plane and forced to take refuge in an explosives store shed, with the plane slipping in behind him and firing at the TNT.


Birds of a Father Cast

Name Character
Mel Blanc He was 52, 81 years old when he died as Sylvester / Sylvester Jr. (voice)

Birds of a Father Crew

Name Department
David Detiege as Story. Writing
Robert McKimson as Director. He was 50 (66) years old when He died Directing
Treg Brown as Editor. He was 61 (84) years old when He died Editing
Ted Bonnicksen as Animation. He was 43 (55) years old when He died Visual Effects
Milt Franklyn as Original Music Composer. He was 63 (64) years old when He died Sound
George Grandpré as Animation. He was 56 (78) years old when He died Visual Effects
Warren Batchelder as Animation. He was 43 (89) years old when He died Visual Effects
Birds of a Father poster
Birds of a Father (63 years)

  • Release day: Saturday, April 01, 1961
  • Runtime: 6 minutes