Birthday Sex 11 years old

After a bad break up with Tyler, Mia tries to celebrate her birthday by inviting her friend Simon as her date. With best friends Kristen and Sara at her side, or so she thought, lies, distrust and sexual desires occur during a night full of drama and birthday sex.


Birthday Sex Cast

Name Character
Sadie Katz She was 33, now 45 years old as Kristen
Amber Rayne She was 28, 31 years old when she died as Mia, Tyler's Girlfriend
Brandon Ruckdashel He was 29, now 41 years old as Simon
Alan Stafford He was 36, now 48 years old as Frank

Birthday Sex Crew

Name Department
Austin Brooks as Director. Directing
Birthday Sex poster
Birthday Sex (11 years)

  • Release day: Friday, October 05, 2012
  • Runtime: 82 minutes