Boy Meets Girl 10 years old

Love TRANScends gender.

Boy Meets Girl

BOY MEETS GIRL is a funny, tender, sex positive romantic comedy that explores what it means to be a real man or woman, and how important it is to live a courageous life not letting fear stand in the way of going after your dreams.


Boy Meets Girl Cast

Name Character
Michael Welch He was 27, now 36 years old as Robbie
Grace Helbig She was 29, now 38 years old as Herself

Boy Meets Girl Crew

Name Department
Frank Reynolds as Editor. He was 91 (59) years old when He died Editing
Eric Schaeffer as Director. He was 53 (now 62) years old Directing
Eric Schaeffer as Writer. He was 53 (now 62) years old Writing
Matthew Puckett as Original Music Composer. Sound
Boy Meets Girl poster
Boy Meets Girl (10 years)

Love TRANScends gender.

  • Release day: Saturday, June 28, 2014
  • Runtime: 95 minutes