Bravo, Alber Lolish! (Браво, Альбер Лолиш!) 37 years old

Alik Lolishvili, who lives in old Tiflis, is a very interesting person, he is fond of all kinds of technical innovations and is a tireless fighter for technological progress. He is introduced by Albert Lolisch and advertises bicycles in the city, and then, together with the daughter of the local city rich man Betty Zandukeli, opens an office for the rental of this new car. At first, residents think that Albert Lolish is a rich and successful French businessman who came to provincial Georgia, as well as Betty's lover, who is fascinated by such a dandy. But the bike business is failing, and residents realize that Albert is a real adventurer.


Bravo, Alber Lolish! Cast

Name Character
Dato Bakhtadze He was 21, now 58 years old
Gia Badridze

Bravo, Alber Lolish! Crew

Name Department
Bravo, Alber Lolish! poster
Bravo, Alber Lolish! (37 years)

  • Release day: Saturday, September 12, 1987
  • Runtime: 97 minutes