Broche de oro: Comienzos 7 years old

Rafael, Pablo and Anselmo meet at an elders’ home. Their friendship grows based on their sense of humor and will to live. Life at the home can be sad. With their typical wit, they recruit other residents, particularly three ladies nicknamed the Greeks. Together they challenge the home's rules of behavior and register into a sports contest for a juicy prize. Because there are no rules for growing old, Broche de oro: Beginnings celebrates life and reminds us to live it to the fullest until the end.


Broche de oro: Comienzos Cast

Name Character
Adrián García He was 39, now 46 years old as Anselmo
Cordelia González She was 60, now 67 years old
Jacobo Morales He was 82, now 89 years old as Rafael
Charytín She was 68, now 75 years old
Julio Ramos He was 82, 71 years old when he died

Broche de oro: Comienzos Crew

Name Department
Raúl Marchand Sánchez as Director. Directing
Broche de oro: Comienzos poster
Broche de oro: Comienzos (7 years)

  • Release day: Friday, September 01, 2017
  • Runtime: 86 minutes