Omnibus film "Bungo Sasayakana Yokubo" features 6 different short stories set under 2 different themes ("Mitsumerareru Shukujotachi" & "Kokuhaku Suru Shinshitachi").
Bungo: Stories of Desire Cast
Name |
Character |
Riko Narumi
She was 20, now 32 years old
Takayuki Yamada
He was 28, now 41 years old
Lily Franky
He was 48, now 61 years old
Shima Ohnishi
He was 37, now 49 years old
Satomi Ishihara
She was 25, now 38 years old
Hiroyuki Miyasako
He was 42, now 54 years old
Ai Hashimoto
She was 16, now 29 years old
Mitsuki Tanimura
She was 22, now 34 years old
Takahiro Miura
He was 26, now 39 years old
Ayame Misaki
She was 23, now 35 years old
Bungo: Stories of Desire Crew