Camp! The Movie 5 years old

Audiences are literally dead!

At the Met Gala 2019, Lady Gaga, Cardi B, Kim Kardashian West, Kylie Jenner, Kendall Jenner, Celine Dion, Gigi Hadid, Bella Hadid, Harry Styles, Bette Midler, Hailey Bieber, Jared Leto, Gwen Stefani, Lizzo and more of your favorite celebrities helped stage a camp film classic in the halls of the Met Museum, and you have to see it to believe it!


Camp! The Movie Cast

Name Character
Elle Fanning She was 21, now 26 years old as Herself
Celine Dion She was 51, now 56 years old as Herself
Kim Kardashian She was 38, now 43 years old as Herself
Justin Theroux He was 47, now 52 years old as Himself
Jared Leto He was 47, now 52 years old as Himself
Miley Cyrus She was 26, now 31 years old as Herself
Bette Midler She was 73, now 78 years old as Herself
Harry Styles He was 25, now 30 years old as Himself
Gigi Hadid She was 24, now 29 years old as Herself
Lady Gaga She was 33, now 38 years old as Herself
Liam Hemsworth He was 29, now 34 years old as Himself
Katy Perry She was 34, now 39 years old as Herself
Yara Shahidi She was 19, now 24 years old as Herself
Gwen Stefani She was 49, now 54 years old as Herself
Tiffany Haddish She was 39, now 44 years old as Herself
Bella Hadid She was 22, now 27 years old as Herself
Cardi B She was 26, now 31 years old as Herself
Kendall Jenner She was 23, now 28 years old as Herself
Frank Ocean He was 31, now 36 years old as Himself
Kylie Jenner She was 21, now 26 years old as Herself
Hailey Bieber She was 22, now 27 years old as Herself
Lizzo She was 31, now 36 years old as Herself

Camp! The Movie Crew

Name Department
Camp! The Movie poster
Camp! The Movie (5 years)

Audiences are literally dead!

  • Release day: Thursday, May 09, 2019
  • Runtime: 2 minutes