The movie tells the story of a village called Chembattunadu in Chamarajanagar District on the borders of Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu, which is popular as Chattambinadu for the presence of several goons and hooligans. According to Vadival Vasu (Janardanan), it was the severe animosity between Mallanchira and Kattappilly families that has caused the arrival of several goons to the land, including him, which made Chattambinadu notorious. The film begins with Mallanchira Chandramohan's(Manoj K. Jayan) plan to sell off his mansion, to pay up his heavy debts.
Chattambinadu Cast
Name |
Character |
She was 21, now 36 years old
as Meenakshi |
He was 58, now 73 years old
as Unnithan |
Raai Laxmi
She was 20, now 35 years old
as Gauri |
He was 58, now 73 years old
as Veerendra Mallaiah |
Salim Kumar
He was 40, now 55 years old
as Maakkri Gopalan |
as Police officer |
T G Ravi
He was 65, now 80 years old
He was 47, now 62 years old
as Kottappally Nagendran |
Suraj Venjaramoodu
He was 33, now 48 years old
as Dasamoolam Daamu |
Ambika Mohan
She was 46, now 62 years old
as Murukan's Mother |
as Dr. Lakshmi |
Kalasala Babu
He was 54, 63 years old when he died
as Kattapalli Kuruppu |
Manoj K Jayan
He was 43, now 58 years old
as Mallanchira Chandramohan |
He was 46, now 61 years old
as Police officer |
Chattambinadu Crew