Ciao! Manhattan 51 years old

Warhol superstar and icon of sixties bohemia Edie Sedgwick delivers her final performance in this semiautobiographical look at the price of fame. Fiction and documentary—including snippets from Sedgwick’s own audio dairies—mingle in a freewheeling portrait of Susan Superstar (Sedgwick), a New York celebrity on a drug-fueled downward slide that mirrors Sedgwick’s own self-destructive spiral. Released after her death from an overdose of barbiturates, CIAO! MANHATTAN endures as a testament to Sedgwick’s unique magnetism and as a haunting elegy for the counterculture she embodied.


Ciao! Manhattan Cast

Name Character
Brigid Berlin She was 33, now 85 years old as Brigid
Christian Marquand He was 46, 73 years old when he died as Entrepreneur
Roger Vadim He was 45, 72 years old when he died as Dr. Braun
Viva She was 34, now 86 years old as Diana - Vogue editor
Allen Ginsberg He was 46, 70 years old when he died as Himself
Edie Sedgwick She was 29, 28 years old when she died as Susan Superstar
Isabel Jewell She was 65, 64 years old when she died as Mummy
Pat Hartley as Yoli
David Weisman He was 31, 77 years old when he died as David
Rosko as Locker Attendant

Ciao! Manhattan Crew

Name Department
David Weisman as Director. He was 31 (77) years old when He died Directing
David Weisman as Screenplay. He was 31 (77) years old when He died Writing
John Palmer as Director. He was 87 (105) years old when He died Directing
John Palmer as Screenplay. He was 87 (105) years old when He died Writing
Chuck Wein as Original Concept. He was 34 (68) years old when He died Writing
Ciao! Manhattan poster
Ciao! Manhattan (51 years)

  • Release day: Thursday, April 19, 1973
  • Runtime: 84 minutes