Cinema of Vengeance 30 years old

A documentary study of martial arts films and their leading protagonists. Included are profiles of such artists as Bruce Lee, Cynthia Rothrock, Jackie Chan, Jean-Claude Van Damme and John Woo favourite Chow Yun Fat.


Cinema of Vengeance Cast

Name Character
Jackie Chan He was 39, now 70 years old as Himself (uncredited)
Donnie Yen He was 30, now 60 years old as Himself (uncredited)
Jean-Claude Van Damme He was 33, now 63 years old as Himself (archive footage)
Sammo Hung He was 41, now 72 years old as Himself (uncredited)
Chow Yun-fat He was 38, now 69 years old as Himself (uncredited)
Ti Lung He was 47, now 77 years old as Himself (uncredited)
Yuen Biao He was 36, now 66 years old as Himself (uncredited)
Simon Yam He was 38, now 69 years old as Himself (uncredited)
John Woo He was 47, now 78 years old as Himself (uncredited)
Bruce Lee He was 53, 32 years old when he died as (archive footage)
Liu Chia-Liang He was 57, 76 years old when he died as Himself (uncredited)
Yuen Woo-ping He was 49, now 79 years old as Himself (uncredited)
Jimmy Wang Yu He was 49, now 80 years old as Himself (uncredited)
Gordon Liu Chia-Hui He was 38, now 68 years old as Himself (uncredited)
Michael Chan He was 47, now 78 years old as Himself (uncredited)
Ho Tsung-Tao He was 43, now 74 years old as Himself (uncredited)
Yukari Oshima She was 30, now 60 years old as Herself (uncredited)
Kirk Wong He was 44, now 75 years old as Himself (uncredited)
Joe Lewis He was 6, 24 years old when he died as Himself (interviewee)

Cinema of Vengeance Crew

Name Department
Cinema of Vengeance poster
Cinema of Vengeance (30 years)

  • Release day: Saturday, January 01, 1994
  • Runtime: 85 minutes