Cinema Verite 13 years old

Cinema Verite

In 1973, the Loud family became a television sensation of a new kind. It was long before a metal rock star showed his eccentric family on the small screen and decades before housewives had screaming matches with each other on camera in public. CINEMA VERITE tells the behind-the-scenes story of the groundbreaking documentary "An American Family," which chronicled the lives of the Louds in the early 1970s and catapulted the Santa Barbara family to notoriety while creating a new television genre: the reality TV series.


Cinema Verite Cast

Name Character
Kathleen Quinlan She was 56, now 69 years old as Mary
Diane Lane She was 46, now 59 years old as Pat Loud
Patrick Fugit He was 28, now 41 years old as Alan Raymond
Molly Hagan She was 49, now 62 years old as Kaye
Tim Robbins He was 52, now 65 years old as Bill Loud
Thomas Dekker He was 439, 60 years old when he died as Lance Cloud
Willam Belli He was 28, now 42 years old as Candy
James Gandolfini He was 49, 51 years old when he died as Craig Gilbert
Matt O'Leary He was 23, now 37 years old as Cameron
Kaitlyn Dever She was 14, now 27 years old as Michelle Loud
Johnny Simmons He was 24, now 37 years old as Kevin Loud
Caitlin Custer as Delilah Loud

Cinema Verite Crew

Name Department
Patti Podesta as Production Design. Art
Meg Everist as Set Decoration. Art
Tamara Notcutt as Casting Associate. She was 32 (now 45) years old Production
Randi Hiller as Casting. Production
Rolfe Kent as Original Music Composer. He was 48 (now 61) years old Sound
Gavin Polone as Executive Producer. He was 110 (now 123) years old Production
Zanne Devine as Executive Producer. Production
Shari Springer Berman as Director. She was 47 (now 60) years old Directing
Robert Pulcini as Director. He was 46 (now 59) years old Directing
Robert Pulcini as Editor. He was 46 (now 59) years old Editing
Sarah Flack as Editor. She was 11 (now 24) years old Editing
David Seltzer as Writer. He was 71 (now 84) years old Writing
Suttirat Anne Larlarb as Costume Design. She was 40 (now 53) years old Costume & Make-Up
Karyn McCarthy as Producer. Production
Cinema Verite poster
Cinema Verite (13 years)

  • Release day: Saturday, April 23, 2011
  • Runtime: 86 minutes