This gritty inner-city film follows various people living in a troubled New Jersey setting, most notably Nick Rinaldi, a disillusioned contractor who has been helped along his whole life by his wealthy father. Other characters in this ensemble drama about urban conflict and corruption include Asteroid , an unstable homeless person, and Wynn, an idealistic young politician.
City of Hope Cast
Name |
Character |
Chris Cooper
He was 40, now 73 years old
as Riggs |
Gina Gershon
She was 29, now 62 years old
as Laurie Rinaldi |
David Strathairn
He was 42, now 75 years old
as Asteroid |
Angela Bassett
She was 33, now 66 years old
as Reesha |
Jace Alexander
He was 27, now 60 years old
as Bobby |
John Sayles
He was 41, now 74 years old
as Carl |
Gloria Foster
She was 57, 67 years old when she died
as Jeanette |
Todd Graff
He was 31, now 65 years old
as Zip |
Tom Wright
He was 38, 49 years old when he died
as Malik |
Steven Randazzo
as Gus |
Bill Raymond
He was 53, now 86 years old
as Les |
Joe Morton
He was 43, now 77 years old
as Winn |
Lawrence Tierney
He was 72, 82 years old when he died
as Kerrigan |
Vincent Spano
He was 28, now 62 years old
as Nick Rinaldi |
Frankie Faison
He was 42, now 75 years old
as Levonne |
Stephen Mendillo
He was 49, now 82 years old
as Yoyo |
Charlie Yanko
as Stavros |
Josh Mostel
He was 44, now 78 years old
as Mad Anthony |
Tony Lo Bianco
He was 54, now 88 years old
as Joe Rinaldi |
Maggie Renzi
She was 40, now 74 years old
as Connie |
City of Hope Crew