College Girl on Vacation (La liceale al mare con l'amica di papà) 44 years old

College Girl on Vacation

Massimo Castaldi is a social climber married to Violante who comes from a rich family. His relationship with his mistress Laura is jeopardised when the family moves to their summer house on the Pugliese coast. Nevertheless, Massimo seems to find a solution. His raunchy daughter Sonia failed in Italian and he plans to present Laura as a nun who will give Sonia private lessons for her compensation exam. On the other hand, there are two dim-witted criminals, Terenzio and Fulgenzio, who are planning to abduct a Castaldi family member for good ransom money.


College Girl on Vacation Cast

Name Character
Renzo Montagnani He was 49, 66 years old when he died as Massimo
Alvaro Vitali He was 30, now 74 years old as Fulgenzio
Sabrina Siani She was 17, now 61 years old as Sonia
Erik Thomson He was 57, now 57 years old
Marisa Mell She was 41, 53 years old when she died as Violante
Gianni Ciardo He was 31, now 75 years old as Terenzio
Cinzia de Ponti She was 19, now 63 years old as Placida

College Girl on Vacation Crew

Name Department
Marino Girolami as Director. He was 66 (80) years old when He died Directing
Gino Capone as Author. Writing
Camillo Teti as Producer. He was 41 (now 85) years old Production
Ubaldo Continiello as Original Music Composer. He was 39 (72) years old when He died Sound
Federico Zanni as Director of Photography. He was 56 (now 100) years old Camera
Alberto Moriani as Editor. He was 54 (now 98) years old Editing
College Girl on Vacation poster
College Girl on Vacation (44 years)

  • Release day: Tuesday, January 01, 1980
  • Runtime: 86 minutes