Crying Freeman 2: Shades of Death, Part 1 (Crying フリーマン2 風声鶴唳) 35 years old

With the blessing of the 108 Dragons, Yo and Emu marry and receive new names, Ron Tayan and Fu Ching Ran. The elders send them to Macau to find out who's behind a new attack. Fu is kidnaped; at the same time, Baya San (the huge granddaughter of the 108 Dragons' aged leaders) demands to be the next head of the gang, not Ron. The childish Baya San has joined forces with the Macau gang, in league with the American mob. A surprise visitor from the US arrives where Fu is being held captive. Can Ron rescue her, find the traitor within the 108 Dragons, defeat his enemies, and bring discipline to Baya San? He must still face the angry and deadly girlfriend of the American visitor.


Crying Freeman 2: Shades of Death, Part 1 Cast

Name Character
Ryou Horikawa He was 30, now 66 years old as Yang (voice)
Kōhei Miyauchi He was 60, 66 years old when he died as Baiba Long (voice)
Ryūsei Nakao He was 37, now 73 years old as Huang Deyuan (voice)
Toshiko Fujita She was 38, now 74 years old as Kitche (voice)
Toshio Furukawa He was 42, now 78 years old as Yo Hinomura (voice)
Kouji Totani He was 40, 57 years old when he died as Chen (voice)
Osamu Saka He was 59, now 94 years old as Shuixing Ye (voice)
Banjou Ginga He was 40, now 75 years old as Don Carleone (voice)
Kazumi Tanaka He was 37, 56 years old when he died as Jinxing Ye (voice)

Crying Freeman 2: Shades of Death, Part 1 Crew

Name Department
Hisao Shirai as Director of Photography. He was 42 (now 77) years old Camera
Nobutaka Nishizawa as Director. He was 48 (74) years old when He died Directing
Crying Freeman 2: Shades of Death, Part 1 poster
Crying Freeman 2: Shades of Death, Part 1 (35 years)

  • Release day: Tuesday, August 01, 1989
  • Runtime: 50 minutes