Dagerman: en garage musical 32 years old

The passengers are search their placements on the flight of life or death. Grotesque and wildly exaggerated flight attendants help out and give safety instructions. The publisher and his friend is already seated. A child rocks on a plastic stool. Suicide is painless. Perhaps even a relief. Fasten your seatbelts. Recording of the stage version.


Dagerman: en garage musical Cast

Name Character
Ralph Carlsson He was 40, now 72 years old
Gerhard Hoberstorfer He was 28, now 60 years old as Dagerman
Marie Delleskog She was 35, now 67 years old

Dagerman: en garage musical Crew

Name Department
Lena Selander as Production Design. Art
Dagerman: en garage musical poster
Dagerman: en garage musical (32 years)

  • Release day: Friday, September 11, 1992
  • Runtime: 120 minutes