Dave Matthews Band: Live at Piedmont Park 16 years old

Live at Piedmont Park is a live album and video release by the Dave Matthews Band from a 2007 benefit concert in Atlanta, Georgia. The concert was held at Atlanta's Piedmont Park in front of an audience of over 80,000 people to raise over US $1 million of a US $42.5 million project to expand 53 acres (210,000 m2) of the city's park.


Dave Matthews Band: Live at Piedmont Park Cast

Name Character
Dave Matthews He was 40, now 57 years old as Dave Matthews
Boyd Tinsley He was 43, now 60 years old as Boyd Tinsley
Carter Beauford He was 50, now 66 years old as Carter Beauford
Stefan Lessard He was 33, now 50 years old as Stefan Lessard
LeRoi Moore He was 46, 46 years old when he died as Leroi Moore

Dave Matthews Band: Live at Piedmont Park Crew

Name Department
Dave Matthews Band: Live at Piedmont Park poster
Dave Matthews Band: Live at Piedmont Park (16 years)

  • Release day: Tuesday, December 11, 2007
  • Runtime: 154 minutes