David Blaine: What Is Magic? 14 years old

Watch David Blain attempt the death-defying bullet catch!

David Blaine travels around America to perform tricks in the UK premiere of his show What Is Magic? He visits New Orleans where he carries out a money trick in front of locals, producing hundreds of dollars at their fingertips before stopping off at New York to conduct magic in front of Orlando Bloom. But the jewel in David's crown is his shot at the infamous The Bullet Catch; a trick which sees a 22 calibre bullet being fired at point blank range directly at the magician who then has to catch the bullet in a small metal cup in his mouth. The stunt is filmed using Phantom Camera technology which shoots 10,000 frames per second so that not a fraction of the action is missed.


David Blaine: What Is Magic? Cast

Name Character
Orlando Bloom He was 33, now 47 years old as Himself
Kimbo Slice He was 36, 42 years old when he died as Himself
David Blaine He was 37, now 51 years old as Himself
Eli Manning He was 29, now 43 years old as Himself
John Mayer (composer) He was 79, 73 years old when he died as Himself

David Blaine: What Is Magic? Crew

Name Department
Julie Bob Lombardi as Editor. Editing
David Blaine as Director. He was 37 (now 51) years old Directing
James Spector as Producer. He was 8 (now 6) years old Production
James Spector as Writer. He was 8 (now 6) years old Writing
Denise Albert as Executive Producer. She was 87 (93) years old when She died Production
Matthew Polis as Sound Re-Recording Mixer. Sound
Blerti Murataj as Editor. Editing
David Blaine: What Is Magic? poster
David Blaine: What Is Magic? (14 years)

Watch David Blain attempt the death-defying bullet catch!

  • Release day: Sunday, April 18, 2010
  • Runtime: 44 minutes