Deep Contact (ピンサロ病院2 ノーパン女医) 25 years old

A comet is on a collision course with Earth. Cynical and indifferent nihilist loner Wataru is kidnapped and taken to a secret hospital where chief scientist Dr. Ohora informs Wataru that he possesses a special psychic power called Sexual Psychokinesis that could help save mankind. Wataru has to make love to Ikuko, a sweet and virginal young lass with the same psychic powers, in order to effectively avert Armageddon.


Deep Contact Cast

Name Character
Kyōko Kazama She was 24, now 50 years old
Seiji Nakamitsu He was 36, now 62 years old as Dr. Ohora

Deep Contact Crew

Name Department
Mitsuru Fukudawara as Writer. Writing
Deep Contact poster
Deep Contact (25 years)

  • Release day: Friday, December 25, 1998
  • Runtime: 61 minutes