The False Bride (Die falsche Braut) 79 years old

There's only one way for the farmer Assbichler to save his farm from ruin: he has to marry off his son Toni to the pretty Rosl, the daughter of the rich farmer Pius Mang. Mang, however, wants his daughter to marry a well-off man; and so Assbichler has to borrow some cattle to give the farm the appearance of a large farming estate.


The False Bride Cast

Name Character
Josef Eichheim He was 57, 57 years old when he died as Tandelsepp
Hans Hunkele as Hacklbauer
Margarete Haagen She was 55, 76 years old when she died as Housekeeper
Beppo Brem He was 38, 84 years old when he died as Anderl
Elfriede Datzig She was 22, 23 years old when she died as Rosl Mang
Joe Stöckel He was 51, 65 years old when he died as Korbinian Assbichler
Hans Fitz He was 53, 80 years old when he died as Pius Mang
Maria Stadler She was 39, 80 years old when she died as Cilly

The False Bride Crew

Name Department
Erna Fentsch as Writer. She was 35 (88) years old when She died Writing
Joe Stöckel as Director. He was 51 (65) years old when He died Directing
The False Bride poster
The False Bride (79 years)

  • Release day: Saturday, March 03, 1945
  • Runtime: 75 minutes