Donauwalzer 40 years old

The hungarian revolution 1956. Judith, an Austrian and her Hungarian friend, Taddek, want to escape to Austria. A friend of theirs, a Viennese photographer, helps organize their escape. Taddek doesn't appear at the arranged meeting place, so Judith and the photographer leave without him. Years pass without a word from Taddek..


Donauwalzer Cast

Name Character
Hanno Pöschl He was 34, now 75 years old
Jane Tilden She was 73, 91 years old when she died as Haushälterin
Christiane Hörbiger She was 45, now 85 years old as Judith
Hans-Michael Rehberg He was 45, 79 years old when he died as Taffeck
Axel Corti He was 50, 60 years old when he died as Georg
Harry Baer He was 36, now 76 years old
Hugo Gottschlich He was 78, 78 years old when he died as Pauls Vater

Donauwalzer Crew

Name Department
Alfred Nathan as Producer. He was 128 (now 168) years old Production
Donauwalzer poster
Donauwalzer (40 years)

  • Release day: Tuesday, January 31, 1984
  • Runtime: 99 minutes