Doomsday Rock 27 years old

Dr. Paul Sorenson, a noted astronomer, believes that an approaching comet will collide with earth based on his study of an ancient civilization's prophetic timeline. Frustrated by his inability to convince other scientists of the threat, Sorenson and a band of followers take over a nuclear missile silo. The FBI enlists the help of Sorenson's daughter Katherine, who is also a respected scientist, with the hope she can convince her father to surrender the missile silo. Katherine's research supports her father's thesis. She enlists the help of Paul, an FBI agent assigned to keep her under guard, in her quest to convince the scientific community of the imminent threat to the planet. Written by Dennis Lewis


Doomsday Rock Cast

Name Character
William Devane He was 59, now 87 years old as Dr. Karl Sorenson
Jessica Walter She was 56, now 83 years old as Secretary
Connie Sellecca She was 42, now 69 years old as Katherine
Ed Marinaro He was 47, now 74 years old as Paul, FBI Agent

Doomsday Rock Crew

Name Department
Brian Trenchard-Smith as Director. He was 51 (now 78) years old Directing
Doomsday Rock (27 years)

  • Release day: Saturday, August 23, 1997
  • Runtime: 96 minutes