East Nashville Tonight 11 years old

East Nashville Tonight...the greatest hypothetical documentary stoner musical. Of all times.

In February of 2013, the Barnes Brothers attempted to shoot a documentary about the lives of Todd Snider, Elizabeth Cook and other touring songwriters residing in the burgeoning East Nashville neighborhood. They failed. Instead, drugs and booze took over. They ended up with: East Nashville Tonight


East Nashville Tonight Cast

Name Character
Elizabeth Cook She was 40, now 52 years old as herself
Todd Snider He was 46, now 58 years old as himself

East Nashville Tonight Crew

Name Department
East Nashville Tonight (11 years)

East Nashville Tonight...the greatest hypothetical documentary stoner musical. Of all times.

  • Release day: Saturday, April 20, 2013
  • Runtime: 85 minutes
  • Budget: 1444.00