ECW: Hardcore History 23 years old

Put down your pencils and rulers and pick up your steel chairs and barbed wire bats. It's time for an Extreme lesson in what true hardcore professional wrestling is all about! Joey Styles, the voice of Extreme Championship Wrestling, is your person instructor for this very special edition of the ECW video series. Forget about reading and writing, it's time to learn about some of the most poignant and infamous moments in the once in a lifetime journey that is now know as ECW Hardcore History!


ECW: Hardcore History Cast

Name Character
Mick Foley He was 36, now 59 years old as Cactus Jack
Joey Styles He was 30, now 53 years old
Rob Van Dam He was 30, now 53 years old
Chris Benoit He was 34, 40 years old when he died

ECW: Hardcore History Crew

Name Department
Paul Heyman as Producer. He was 35 (now 59) years old Production
ECW: Hardcore History poster
ECW: Hardcore History (23 years)

  • Release day: Tuesday, August 07, 2001
  • Runtime: 163 minutes