El sexo de los dinosaurios 16 years old

Movie? Comedy? Documentary? Sex-sociological analysis?? In any case, a unique tour of the essential questions of life: Why sexually attract us? What was the sexual revolution of women? What is the mandate of our genes? Is it mathematically impossible to hit in mate choice? Is marriage a risky business? And a fundamental question: why dinosaurs became extinct?


El sexo de los dinosaurios Cast

Name Character
Chema Ortiz as Chema
Fernando Aguilar He was 48, now 65 years old as Fernando

El sexo de los dinosaurios Crew

Name Department
Óscar Vega as Director. He was 42 (now 59) years old Directing
El sexo de los dinosaurios poster
El sexo de los dinosaurios (16 years)

  • Release day: Friday, April 18, 2008
  • Runtime: 93 minutes