Endlich Urlaub! 19 years old

The architect Nora wants to go to Greece with her fiancé, the successful lawyer Tobias Becker. During the holidays in Crete Tobias should also find a link to Nora's children Julia and Ben. But the two kids can not smell Tobias, and it gets even thicker: Due to an annoying double occupancy Nora and Tobias have to share the dream house with the event manager Marion and her divorced husband Tobi, because both families have booked under the name Becker. While the two teens Philip and Julia quickly discover their sympathies for each other, the parents need a little longer for it ...


Endlich Urlaub! Cast

Name Character
Petra Kleinert She was 37, now 57 years old as Nora Merz
Sonja Kirchberger She was 40, now 59 years old as Marion Becker
Hannes Jaenicke He was 45, now 64 years old as Tobi Becker
Adele Neuhauser She was 46, now 65 years old as Maria

Endlich Urlaub! Crew

Name Department
Endlich Urlaub! (19 years)

  • Release day: Friday, May 27, 2005
  • Runtime: 89 minutes