Fair Game 30 years old

It is 1970, there is World Cup and General Election fever. Marco, a wealthy Italian has come to England to discover his true identity. Carl, a student is torn between canvassing for the Labour party, watching the World Cup or going on a walking holiday with his girlfriend Ellie. Their paths cross in Preston library and the three take an epic journey across the Pennines.


Fair Game Cast

Name Character
Lena Headey She was 20, now 50 years old as Ellie
Venantino Venantini He was 64, 88 years old when he died as Claudio
Joseph Long He was 41, now 71 years old as Giampaolo
Prunella Scales She was 61, now 92 years old as Marjorie
Massimo Bellinzoni He was 29, now 59 years old as Marco

Fair Game Crew

Name Department
Alan Dossor as Director. He was 52 (74) years old when He died Directing
Fair Game poster
Fair Game (30 years)

  • Release day: Saturday, June 11, 1994
  • Runtime: 108 minutes