Flanagan 38 years old

Aging New York cabbie Flanagan still has hopes of making it as a stage actor. He can recite any Shakespeare sonnet and is facile with accents, but he can't land an agent or a job. During the course of one summing-it-all-up day, he drives his cab around the city dealing with fare evaders, an insolent stage manager determined to keep him from auditioning for his choice director, his estranged wife who has a new lover, his mistress who seems awfully close to her "drawing teacher", and two teenage sons whose bright visions of the future don't seem to include jobs. If he can only cope with all the annoyances of this day, maybe he can deal with the limitations in his abilities and his future.


Flanagan Cast

Name Character
Geraldine Page She was 60, 62 years old when she died as Mama
Brian Bloom He was 15, now 54 years old as Danny
Linda Thorson She was 38, now 77 years old as Andrea
Olympia Dukakis She was 54, now 93 years old as Mary
Steven Weber He was 24, now 63 years old as Sean
James Tolkan He was 54, now 93 years old as Turner
Lynne Thigpen She was 36, 54 years old when she died as Woman Cop
Pierre Epstein He was 55, now 94 years old as Morry
Gwyllum Evans as Church
Louis Zorich He was 61, 93 years old when he died as Lerner
E.R. Davies He was 48, 69 years old when he died as Dr. Coleman
Philip Bosco He was 55, 88 years old when he died as James Flanagan

Flanagan Crew

Name Department
Ivan Strasburg as Director of Photography. Camera
Ruth Ammon as Production Design. Art
Scott Vickrey as Editor. Editing
Mark Slater as Producer. He was 16 (now 55) years old Production
Flanagan poster
Flanagan (38 years)

  • Release day: Wednesday, October 30, 1985
  • Runtime: 86 minutes