Flower Girl 14 years old

Flower Girl

Dr. Evan Cooper is the ideal match on paper and according to her grandmother, Rose Durham and friends, including an equally pushy wedding planner, for florist Laurel Haverford, who fears to be the last of her generation to get married. Yet she keeps dragging her heels after meeting cocky Stephen Banks, who is all wrong on paper but makes her heart leap by pre chemistry.


Flower Girl Cast

Name Character
Christina Pickles She was 74, now 89 years old as Evangeline Walker
Marla Sokoloff She was 28, now 43 years old as Laurel Haverford
Kieren Hutchison She was 35, now 49 years old as Stephen Banks
Brook Kerr She was 35, now 50 years old as Brooke Harper
Bonnie Root She was 34, now 49 years old as Victoria Darling
Marion Ross (physicist) She was 106, 90 years old when she died as Rose Durham

Flower Girl Crew

Name Department
Maximo Munzi as Director of Photography. He was 52 (57) years old when He died Camera
Ceiri Torjussen as Music Director. He was 33 (now 48) years old Sound
Bradford May as Director. He was 58 (now 73) years old Directing
Flower Girl poster
Flower Girl (14 years)

  • Release day: Friday, November 13, 2009