Frankie's House 32 years old

In 1964 in Laos, young Tim Page discovers his vocation as a photojournalist and is given a job, a camera, and a trip to Vietnam. There, he learns the ropes, learns about the war first in Saigon, and then "in country" on patrol with troops. He and his colleagues, including the sons of Errol Flynn and John Steinbeck, capture the war in pictures, recover from their wounds, swap stories, battle censorship, and support each other between the explosions at the brothel run by Tranh Ki: "Frankie's House".


Frankie's House Cast

Name Character
Iain Glen He was 30, now 63 years old
Stephen Dillane He was 35, now 67 years old
Steve Bastoni He was 26, now 58 years old
Kevin Dillon He was 26, now 58 years old
Steven Vidler He was 32, now 64 years old
Marilyn Allen
Lim Kay Tong He was 38, now 70 years old
Nicholas Hammond He was 41, now 74 years old
Todd Boyce He was 32, now 64 years old

Frankie's House Crew

Name Department
Peter Fisk as Director. He was 24 (now 56) years old Directing
Frankie's House (32 years)

  • Release day: Saturday, May 09, 1992
  • Runtime: 185 minutes