Fuera de la ley 60 years old

Tom Carter, his wife and his son Billy, live quietly on the family farm until a dispute arises between him and his rich neighbour John Price who organizes a punitive expedition against Carter. Billy is sent to Littleton by his father and when he returns he finds the house burnt down, his father killed and his mother injured. The cautious sheriff prefers to conclude to an accident despite Billy's insistance. So Billy decides to take the law into his own hands...


Fuera de la ley Cast

Name Character
Tomás Blanco He was 53, 79 years old when he died
Jack Taylor He was 34, 82 years old when he died as Black Jack
George Martin He was 38, 84 years old when he died as Billy Carter

Fuera de la ley Crew

Name Department
León Klimovsky as Director. He was 58 (90) years old when He died Directing
Fuera de la ley poster
Fuera de la ley (60 years)

  • Release day: Wednesday, July 08, 1964
  • Runtime: 91 minutes