Futuro do Pretérito: Tropicalismo Now! 11 years old

A look of the 21st century for one of the most important cultural movements in Brazilian history. The production brings a mix of interviews, concerts, artistic interventions and actors in small sketches. An intersection of the social and artistic contexts of 68 with the current one.


Futuro do Pretérito: Tropicalismo Now! Cast

Name Character
Alice Braga She was 29, now 41 years old as Lindonéia
Gero Camilo He was 41, now 53 years old as Himself
Gilberto Gil He was 70, now 82 years old as Himself
Helena Albergaria as Herself

Futuro do Pretérito: Tropicalismo Now! Crew

Name Department
Futuro do Pretérito: Tropicalismo Now! poster
Futuro do Pretérito: Tropicalismo Now! (11 years)

  • Release day: Friday, November 16, 2012
  • Runtime: 76 minutes