Gangster Wars 43 years old

The film tells the story of three teenagers, based on real life gangsters Charles "Lucky" Luciano (Michael Nouri), Benjamin "Bugsy" Siegel (Joe Penny) and Michael Lasker (Brian Benben) (a fictional character who was most likely modeled after Meyer Lansky), growing up in New York's ghettos during the early 1900s to their rise though organized crime.


Gangster Wars Cast

Name Character
Jon Polito He was 30, 65 years old when he died as Thomas "Three Fingers Brown" Lucchese
Jonathan Banks He was 34, now 77 years old as Dutch Schultz
Madeleine Stowe She was 22, now 65 years old as Ruth Lasker
Joe Penny He was 24, now 68 years old as Benjamin "Bugsy" Siegel
Michael Nouri He was 35, now 78 years old as Charles "Lucky" Luciano
Robert John Burke He was 20, now 63 years old as Officer Reardon
Lelia Goldoni She was 44, now 87 years old as Mrs Lasker
George DiCenzo He was 40, 70 years old when he died as Arnold Rothstein
Brian Benben He was 24, now 68 years old as Michael Lasker
Richard S. Castellano He was 47, 55 years old when he died as Giuseppe "Joe the Boss" Masseria
Robert Davi He was 27, now 71 years old as Vito Genovese
Joseph Mascolo He was 52, 87 years old when he died as Salvatore Maranzano
Robert F. Lyons He was 41, now 84 years old as Legs Diamond
Louis Giambalvo He was 36, now 79 years old as Al Capone

Gangster Wars Crew

Name Department
Stuart Cohen as Producer. Production
John Cacavas as Music. He was 50 (83) years old when He died Sound
Richard C. Sarafian as Director. He was 50 (83) years old when He died Directing
Gangster Wars (43 years)

  • Release day: Thursday, April 09, 1981
  • Runtime: 121 minutes