Germany Pale Mother (Deutschland bleiche Mutter) 43 years old

Germany 1939. Hans and Lene marry the day before the war breaks out, and Hans is sent to the Eastern front. During a bombing raid their daughter Anna is born. The house is destroyed and Lene and Anna moves in with relatives in Berlin. Hans survives the war but he is not the same person as in 1939, and he and Lene find it difficult to live together again.


Germany Pale Mother Cast

Name Character
Eva Mattes She was 29, now 69 years old as Helene
Angelika Thomas She was 38, now 78 years old as Lydia
Ernst Jacobi He was 50, now 91 years old as Hans
Elisabeth Stepanek She was 28, 42 years old when she died as Hanne
Fritz Lichtenhahn He was 51, 85 years old when he died as Onkel Bertrand
Rainer Friedrichsen as Ulrich

Germany Pale Mother Crew

Name Department
Renée Gundelach as Consulting Producer. Production
Bertolt Brecht as Poem. He was 86 (58) years old when He died Crew
Helma Sanders-Brahms as Director. She was 43 (73) years old when She died Directing
Helma Sanders-Brahms as Producer. She was 43 (73) years old when She died Production
Helma Sanders-Brahms as Writer. She was 43 (73) years old when She died Writing
Elfie Tillack as Editor. Editing
Volker Canaris as Producer. He was 38 (69) years old when He died Production
Germany Pale Mother poster
Germany Pale Mother (43 years)

  • Release day: Friday, September 26, 1980
  • Runtime: 122 minutes