Gogol. The Beginning (Гоголь. Начало) 7 years old

The Darkest Night Before Dawn

Gogol. The Beginning

The year 1829. Nikolay Gogol, a young Third Section clerk, is desperate: his own books seem shallow and mediocre, so he keeps buying entire print runs just to burn them all. He is suffering from violent epileptic seizures and struggles to keep on working. Investigator Yakov Guro accidentally witnesses one such fit and realizes that Gogol's visions contain clues that could help solve actual crimes. Together, Gogol and Guro take on a particularly weird and baffling case that brings them to a small village of Dikanka, where everyone has a huge secret to hide.


Gogol. The Beginning Cast

Name Character
Evgeniy Stychkin He was 43, now 50 years old as Binh - investigator
Oleg Menshikov He was 56, now 63 years old as Yakov Petrovich Guro - investigator
Yan Tsapnik He was 49, now 56 years old as Bomgart - doctor
Artyom Tkachenko He was 35, now 42 years old as Aleksey Danishevsky - Count, husband of Lisa
Yevgeni Syty He was 48, now 55 years old as Yakim

Gogol. The Beginning Crew

Name Department
Tikhon Kornev as Screenplay. Writing
Egor Baranov as Director. He was 28 (now 35) years old Directing
Gogol. The Beginning poster
Gogol. The Beginning (7 years)

The Darkest Night Before Dawn

  • Release day: Thursday, August 31, 2017
  • Runtime: 100 minutes
  • Revenue: 7939761.00